Thursday, October 4, 2012

Second Segment of
Samuel Terrill Redwine Sr.



12,607 words of mostly 14pt font on 34 pages of  8.5 x 11 inches
Copyright © 2012; Samuel Terrill Redwine Sr. All rights are reserved.


1.     Our world is burdened with god problems, including Islam’s religious terrorism, plus our shortage of potable and agricultural water, plus global-warming, plus pathogens that spread internationally. Nationally, we are challenged with excessive public and private debt, bankruptcies, mortgage foreclosures; decreasing savings, an inflationary monetary system, failing infrastructure, faltering schools, crowded prisons, high unemployment, and our dependence on imported oil, plus our population sprawl, and recent reduction in our nation’s worldwide prestige.
2.     We’ve made great progress in agriculture, industrialization, medical research, science, communication, global trade, and travel, but face major problems, e.g., proliferation of nuclear weapons & fissionable materials, which demand international surveillance. Global warming & divisiveness are major problems. We have finally realized our effect on global warming, and are considering ways to reduce the use of fuels emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
3.     The main causes of global divisiveness are religion, nationalism, race and language, which preclude undiscriminating inclusiveness, cultural harmony, and world peace. I have pondered global divisiveness to no avail, but after President George W. Bush resorted to divination and said a higher-power had approved his plan to invade and renovate the Middle East, I followed his example; the method of primitive prestigious professional proponents of mystical gods, for eons, to consult the occult, but unlike the president, I’m aware: divination is a ruse, to convince us into believing a god can add credence; depending upon public rituals, and ceremonial cant, dances, etc. it limited responsibility, preserved prestigious positions, where priests’ divination decided life vs. death propositions for kings. Egyptians, Babylonians, Grecians and Romans had coteries of gods. The Israelites and Judahites were polytheists before King Josiah’s propaganda, introduced the illusion of a monotheistic god.
4.     Religion’s lack of information is tantamount to ignorance; thus, ignorance is responsible for our blind faith in mind warping ancient sorcery, confusing us with vacuous conjecture and mendacious spiritualism. Ignorance of our origin conjured fears and ignited our imaginations, producing suppositions and gods for all occasions. Ancient kings’ specious gods demanded death for unfaithful non-allegiant subjects; forcing people to endow the gods with irrational non-compromising religious powers.
5.     Since men first presumed their guise of self-righteous godliness, they have dreamed of eternal life and without evidence, believe they are above our planet’s natural laws and that an “omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent” mystical god will redeem their sins and save their souls, in spite of their disrespect for Earth’s myriad forms of life. We men are inconsiderate, and insist upon religious and ethnological competitive distinctions, but female sensibilities will outwit our simple minded conspiratorial schemes. Male guile disseminated religion’s erroneous message and developed its large organizations and built its grand buildings, but failed two of our important world  challenges; advancing knowledge and living together peacefully.
 6.     Intellectualism’s doctrine: “knowledge comes from reason, without aid from the senses”. Our electorate insists that candidates for public office certify their anti-intellectualism plus a strong belief in biblical miracles; preferring candidates like themselves. I prefer candidates like me, free of religious constraints; without a need for miracles. Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, opined that “our democracy’s success depends upon an informed electorate”. Our communication system is impressive as we are allowed the freedom of non-seditious speech, which invites a plethora of political and religious spin; keeping our pot of ethnological distinctions boiling. Our government leaders have been slow to realize the benefits of togetherness for anything other than war; and religions’ leaders continue proving they’re the problem, without a clue how to be tolerantly inclusive.
7.     We males, presume ourselves god-like, requiring adoration, worship, obedience, etc. Although “God” assigned the management of women to us, they are no longer considered chattel, and civilized men no longer use force with women, so we must realize that women are the superior gender; their brains are not addled by a testis and we men must value and emulate their sensibilities. I argue for female’s freedom from subservience and advocate their promotion to prominent leadership positions, as their extraordinary sensibilities are conducive to congeniality, inclusiveness, purposefulness, etc. Women’s new role is a necessary emergency solution to help resolve our male world’s contentiously divisive political and religious problems.
8.     Most people in Iceland, Denmark & Sweden believe in evolution. In all European countries, including Greece, believers exceed those of the U.S., where a Gallup poll in 2008 found only 15% agreed with the proposition that humans developed over millions of years. This exposes our nation’s ignorance; (Turkey has 25% believers, 25% not sure and 50% deny it) but most of our population believe King Josiah’s biblical fable, and feel compelled to follow the majority’s acceptance of religion’s irrational absurdity rather than scientific evolution and Secularism’s realistic doctrine which promotes reason and truth.
9.    The Abrahamic faiths’ challenge is reconciling twenty six hundred years of King Josiah’s regressive dogma with more reasonable goals, e.g., convincing believers Earth’s life forms are worthy survivors, but they will continue to exploit our fears with the bible’s and koran’s vengeful lessons. The holy books’ precepts were extrapolated from King Josiah’s tribal propaganda, where god Yahweh was portrayed as a vengeful killer for the exclusive benefit of Josiah’s people, to resolve problems inherent within his kingdom, and are not related to our present situation. Can we ever relieve the self-incriminating stupor, which grips believers? Religions’ denigration of knowledge is challenging our nation. (See EDUCATION)
11.     The Abrahamic religions’ gods are frauds. Considering the revengeful history of Judaism, Christianity and Islamism, my arguments are justified; but problems will be difficult to reconcile and repercussions momentous, depending upon prestigious professional proponents’ lust for naysayer’s blood; or “hate-crimes” by unhinged believers. Truth, offers humankind an opportunity to be free of religion’s deceptive message. In any case, we must forego the “Judaic God’s” intolerant xenophobia, and enhance the development of mutual global opportunities. Global-warming threatens life. Religious-Right Coalition’s conservative legislators stymy any reduction in the amount of carbon our nation releases into the atmosphere; endangering life by playing chicken with other developed countries; Erudite individuals blame the Dominionist movement’s theology and man’s destructive exploitation of our world’s environment on Genesis 1:26-28, 9:2-3, and Psalms 8:5-8. In addition says “There is a powerful movement within U.S. Christian fundamentalism that interprets the book of ‘Revelation’ as justifying the destruction of the environment. They believe by exhausting our natural resources they will hasten the rapture, the second coming of Jesus, and the Apocalypse”.
12.    Christianity’s obdurate intrusion in our government bodes ill; Islam’s “Arabic Spring”, i.e., young Muslims denouncing and eliminating despotic leaders’ bodes chaos which will get worse unless our world’s prestigious professional proponents, of mystical gods, condemn their old professional colleagues who were complicit in murdering millions; forcing their faiths on discerning nonbelievers; and find honest realistic goals for innocent, but gullible congregations. Spurious gods could command believers to hallow the exuberant rejuvenation of our Earth. Think about it: These three great religious organizations have benefitted by developing world-wide support by hallowing the idea of supernaturalism; think what they could do with an honest idea that would help us survive the asphyxiating effects of global-warming. I challenge them to see the light of reason; to encourage scientific inquiry; to acknowledge evolution, and to further worldly learning, instead of stifling it. From our beginning until today, belief in supernatural gods has done far more harm than good. Islam controls America’s destiny and American Christianity’s prestigious professional proponents are poised; to join Islamic Muslim’s prestigious professional proponents’ enforcement of the Pentateuch’s fundamentalist precepts by killing all infidels, heretics etc., much like the Christians’ Dark Ages, (476-1000), responsible for wide spread ignorance, pervasive poverty and cultural decline during a period of intellectual stagnation brought about when Christian regimes closed libraries, banned books, scientific inquiry, etc., impoverishing all human progress”. “The world failed to regain the knowledge until many centuries afterward”.
13.      There is a high probability that religious idiots will obtain nuclear weapons. To better our odds of survival, we must expound, to the world, the profound benefits of a secularist government free from politicized-religious tyranny. Ancient tyrannical monarchs’ proclaimed fearsome gods, and religious leaders manipulated mutinous multitudes; killing apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods; forcing beliefs. The brain-washings left indelible aberrant mental impressions, which often bring believers to their knees, worshipping; begging the forbearance of a vain wrathful god. Europe’s history is full of despotic Christian politics, (see CHRISTIANITY), and politicized religion tyrannizes Islamic regimes, but America’s Christian hierarchy presumes “born-again” voters will trade their freedoms and rights in our secularist democracy for absolutism, as televangelists and talk-radio will excitedly explain how “God” overrules all contentious unholy views of America’s innumerable liberty lovers. Ancient professional proponents of mythical gods developed their misperceived godly powers by accommodating their ancient despotic political powers.


 1.     The world’s women are our potential saviors. My imaginary female god is compassionately reasonable; her undiscriminating inclusiveness sensitivity to nuance and comprehension of humans are vital to resolving global divisiveness. She is adamant regarding the attitudes of disparate ethnicities toward other races, religions and languages; advising us to stop emphasizing distinctions and accentuate similarities; that our divisiveness will take generations to resolve; that a tolerant respect for others is essential for success. She says we must integrate the races with miscegenation; and cohabit until all children’s skin is the same color. She says we must develop a common language; warning that systems of education, healthcare, pollution control, agriculture, and food distribution are needed and that violence is insane; that her proposal can be accomplished without violence, and that undiscriminating inclusiveness will dissolve ethnocentric divisions. Uniqueness is cherished, and many fear losing their ethnicity. Socrates (470?-399 BCE) claimed to be a citizen of the world; was judged treasonous and murdered because he refuted the Grecian state’s gods. Our divisiveness discourages world citizenship and world peace. Male leaders of nations and religions will resist changes that might dilute their personal prestige and power, but Earth can provide us ideal lives if we limit indulgence and do not squander resources; nature will restore the forests, endangered species, sources of water, etc., but can’t support us if we kill all living things which displease us. Deforestation is frightening, as forests absorb excess carbon dioxide, and produce the oxygen, essential for the survival of most of Earthly life.
2.     Our World’s women are capable of organizing, designing and controlling an initiative to bring us together to reduce intolerance and save Earth. They are natural diplomats; essential for international compromise, and I encourage them to see the advantages in undiscriminating inclusiveness; and to initiate a global campaign to accomplish the endeavor. It’s our only way to avoid our extermination as a critically endangered species. Males kept women at bay, and made tragic, godly, blunders by themselves, but today, we urgently need global women to ignore male egos, and to assume responsibility for global tranquility and decide our world’s big decisions.
 3.     Women’s innate sensibilities are essential capabilities required by a global team to design and develop the proposed program. We seek a world free of xenophobia, where children have adequate food, housing, health- care, education, same color skin, and speak a common language, with a representative authority that encourages xenophilic self-confidence and provides equal opportunities to attain an optimum level of competence.
4.     If Josiah’s scholars had been female; “God” would be female and world history would be less brutal, sexual repression unknown and matriarchy would enhance authority; but women weren’t well represented in Josiah’s tribal propaganda, and televangelists’ “hot-lines to God” imply the attitude prevails. Men rival god while women, the source of men’s relaxation, keep a restful home, bearing and nurturing the next generation into adulthood. Women are our opportunity, to pacify a contemptuous world. Men disdain intellectualism and resent competent individuals, but women admire scholarship and exceed men matriculating in college. Female sensibilities are essential for leadership positions. They will be superior national and international leaders. A woman will be a more discerning Pope and a much more appropriate, more reliable “God” figure. Although women are not considered believers, their influence has been more helpful than a virile immoral god, who exploited man’s insecurities, but a nanny to guide him would have been more appropriate, as he and his egomaniacal male god, have cluttered history with their unlimited bounty of blood stained debris.
5.     I’m not arguing for world acceptance of matriarchy, but advocate an unencumbered change in attitude that will bring global women out of the utility closet; into the forefront of human endeavors to leadership positions around the globe. Men’s insistence on leading was an experiment in wasted money and lives, which leaves us where we began: fighting over religion’s vagaries, male vanity and national prestige. Women appreciate men for their cleverness and its largesse; women add tranquil togetherness to our existence; they have always supported men’s efforts to change world policies, even when we employed a god-sanctioned dividing, conquering, and destroying. I hope the world’s men will support women’s efforts without proffering unsolicited interference as they spend a few hundred years untangling our world’s man-tied knots.  Women’s sensibilities provide attributes required by all demanding professions. Questions arise concerning a proper division of labor. During their first 40 years, women will bear and nurture our next generation; its maturity may determine mother’s professional pursuit. Women’s ability to compromise is essential to success; they ameliorate situations; their equiponderance intelligence and comprehension match or exceed those of men and it’s done gracefully. I advocate for women’s global leadership as our national and international decision makers, which will moderate world anguish. Men are exemplary adventurers, but are usually engrossed in tactical schemes of attack, rather than the strategy necessary to avoid wars. We’ve devoted time, money, and lives’ to improve world congeniality, but haven’t considered miscegenation to attain ethnological integration, a freedom from religion and a peaceful coexistence. Miscegenation should not be considered compulsory; young people need opportunities to study and work together; intimacy will solve our problem, and in time, we humans will produce a conglomerate strain.
7.     The bible’s god is portrayed as a vengeful divider, not a unifier. But to save humankind from destruction, the persuasive powers of Churches are essential. We’ve a desperate need to restore Earth and our atmosphere to more pristine conditions. The improbability of solving global-warming’s problems and problematic water problems; depends upon major world governments’ willingness to cooperate. If they don’t agree before life on Earth becomes unbearable or religious idiots nuclearly achieve “End Times”; what are primitive man’s stupid scheming ideas about imaginary superhuman gods’ really worth?
8.     Religions have progressed unevenly along diverging paths, devoid of ideas to improve cultural harmony. It isn’t too late; everything is possible. People have many talents; some have a talent for creating extraordinary things from ordinary stuff and extraordinary conditions from simple situations. The Abrahamic faiths conjured their gods and belief systems from a young king’s deceptive tribal propaganda and deceived most people with a vision postulating the spurious gods’ propensity for killing nonbelievers.
9.     Josiah’s biblical fable, the Pentateuch, was specifically composed for use as tribal propaganda proclaiming his own tribal god, which in turn commanded death for apostates, etc. It terminated polytheism and decreed Josiah an ideal king, etc. thus we have determined that the essence of the Abrahamic religions is deception. This provides hierarchy an opportunity to pursue their deception further by implying that “God” won’t return until our Earth is presentably sustainable and that recent revelations command the faithful to lead everyone in rehabilitating Earth, in preparation for the god’s anxiously anticipated return; Cultural Harmony is also a realistic goal for “God” to pursue; it provides religion an honest purpose that humankind understands. When no longer burdened with supernaturalism’s quandary, religion can contribute to our natural world’s knowledge by promoting world peace. Realistically, this has greater potential for people’s worldly progress than faith in the bible’s incomprehensible egomaniacal killer of foreign women, children and innumerable other innocent people. Tragic assumptions were made in the jungle by Abrahamic faiths’ professional predecessors who traded security in a promised hereafter for treasure-in-hand. The scamming entrepreneurial enterprises evolved into monarch’s tyrannical religions, (See CHRISTIANITY); their goals remain the same i.e. scamming salvation except that Religion-Lite’s Judaism and Christianity no longer kill apostates, nonbelievers, etc.
10.     Everyone should be excited with the idea of hybridizing the human race; since our beginning, the process has produced some very astute and beautiful people. DNA diversity’s, biological & psychological advantages makes it the universal answer to racial prejudice and consanguinity. We need to reorganize our worldwide exchange programs for high school and college students; with an ever expanding participation of countries, it could become a universal educational system, and our global situation could well benefit from the better-quality interracial and interfaith relationships.
11.    The 19th chapter of Exodus has “God” explaining to Moses, that, under the threat of death, neither the people nor the priests shall be allowed on Mount Sinai, or see god while Moses is receiving the Ten Commandments. Andy Rooney said: “Those to whom His word was revealed were always alone in some remote place, like Moses. There wasn’t anyone around when Mohammad got the word either. Mormon Joseph Smith and Mary Baker Eddy had exclusive audiences with God. We must trust them as reporters----and you know reporters. They’ll do anything for a story”. Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool all of the people, some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people, all of the time”. Lord Acton said: “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely”. King Josiah’s minions concocted a god with absolute power over Josiah’s people.
 12.     As a child, mother warned: the “boogey-man” would get me; later I was consigned to hell. I will not go to hell; I will return to oblivion, from whence I came prior to conception in a passionate act of conjugal pleasure. Biblical mythology’s imaginary gods have undue influence over the lives of millions of people; a mental aberration, accepted as normal by the mental health profession. The subterfuge of religion’s effusive inerrancy convinces the superstitious they must follow the crowd to the promised hereafter; thus, religion feeds and thrives on our fears. We seek a queue to join or a crowd to follow. I’m thankful for our skeptics. Skepticism is rational; Judge Learned Hand often said that he would like to see some particular words by Oliver Cromwell placed over portals of every church, courthouse and at every cross-road in our nation, which were: “I beseech ye, in the bowels of Christ, think ye may be mistaken”. Judge Hand thought that if we are to be saved, it must be through skepticism.
13.     As a youth, I “believed”, but questioned the unreasonableness of my belief. Religion’s illogical believers both fear and revere the bible’s vengeful obnoxious Judaic god’s wrathful recrimination; which served King Josiah’s and religion’s purpose; by instilling mortal fears that torment people into believing supernaturalism’s unknowns. Since the end of our matriarchal period when man became god, he has considered himself godly and the promise of eternal life assures his immortality. Man’s self-assigned, exalted position is received with equanimity, assured he is above all other Earthly life-forms including that of women. An obvious question: why do women worship Abrahamic faiths’ mystical gods, despite the biblical gods’ unjust disregard for the female gender? The answer: men are natural promoters, that is, confidence-men, capable of selling snake oil, etcetera. Ever since primitive males proclaimed their superiority, females have been relegated to religion’s outer fringe; their knowledge of the bible limited to clergy’s sanctimonious sermons; unfamiliar with the stories where god commands Israeli’s army to destroy entire populations, including innocent mothers and children, but to save young female virgins for the soldiers. Apparently believers rationalize that the “God’s” revengeful pathological killing and egomaniacal demeanor is fundamental to their faith; as the bible tells us: this murderous god sired and later killed his own son.
14.     Biological and psychological gender distinctions can resolve global divisiveness. We men are greedier, more contentious, our ego and vanity are sacrosanct, and we compulsively dominate. Our predispositions might be needed to follow “God’s” precepts, i.e., to divide conquer and destroy all infidels. Women’s sensibilities, predispositions, etc. are more suitable for our needs; they are ameliorable, empathetic, sharing, and equally staunch, loyal, and steadfast. Underestimated, they win graciously, even when their successes are credited to men. I argue in favor of the proposition: that after multimillennia of male domination and our world has reached the stage where we have a compelling urgency to develop communal solutions for global problems; that women’s predispositions to detect common-ground and thereby resolve impending international agreements are essential.

15.     U.S. was founded as a Secularist, not a Christian nation. Many early American colonists came to this country to escape the rigid freedom-limiting religious dogmas of Christian Europe.  Puritans brought a more strict dogma with them, which prompts Australians’ wry comments, that they were lucky to get the convicts. The early thinkers in the Colonies were deeply suspicious of organized religion. Thomas Paine (1737-1809), American Revolutionary patriot, published, The Age Of Reason, an attack on the bible and orthodox religious beliefs; eight editions sold out in the first year. Our astute founding fathers were determined that authoritarian religion wouldn’t disrupt democracy’s principles. Most signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 were deists. Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson were outspoken atheists. John Adams, a Congregationalist, was opposed for our second president because voters thought: he favored a monarchal theocracy, much like Islam’s totalitarianism.
16.     I respect Religion-Lite, the least disingenuous for a civilized society, but continuing growth and development of Islam’s religious extremists and America’s Protestant Fundamentalist movement will lead to upheaval as civilized societies will not abide compliance with Fundamentalism.
17.     The world’s thinkers advanced a civilized philosophy and science in spite of religion’s appeal to a non-thinking majority. It is most evident in secular nations; free from religion’s interference, e.g., a believers’ insistence that a spurious god overrules all opposition. Theocratic regimes have burned books, suppressed scientific inquiry, freedom of speech and information. Believing in gods clouds the mind and deadens reasoning powers with unrealistic ideas, e.g., believing that Godly power exists, without the remotest evidence, indicates more faith in one’s ignorance than their knowledge, i.e., what one does not know is more credible than what one does know. This explains believer’s righteous self-satisfaction and lack of curiosity to learn the historical facts about their omniscient fearsome, but imaginary god. Everyone should question their faiths past performance.
18.     Dear reader, a small percentage of our world understands that beliefs in “God” are male concocted subterfuges, and that religion’s absurdities are humorous, deserving ridicule; with vast numbers meeting regularly, and exercising distinctive rituals of particular sects, hoping to influence specific deities; much like gathering around jungle fires in the night dancing and chanting; repeating the aberration ad finitum without meaningful results, but Secularism’s reason and truth will sustain you.
19.     My reason for dwelling on religion’s confidence game is because the bible’s “God”, along with the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings were adopted from a tract of tribal propaganda, concocted by King Josiah of Judah about six centuries prior to the New Testament’s Jesus. Both gods were fictional characters, especially contrived to deceptively subjugate unbelievers with “original sin” and mortal fear of the unknown, but with repentant groveling testimony to clergy, one is promised eternal life. A confidence game indeed, conning the unsuspecting who listen to clergy’s sermons, but their “God” is portrayed in their bible killing millions of people; genocide, infanticide; even gang-rape; all in an effort to promote his chosen people. It is fictional; compare it with the horrific brutal history of Jews at the hands of Christian believers, whose god, Jesus, was Jewish. It’s all stupidly contradictory and unbelievable and it was all wrought by ignorant men’s desire to manipulate their fellowmen. The bibles Pentateuch is King Josiah’s tribal propaganda. I emphasize: we have no god; that all goodness comes from our fellow human beings, and I abhor Abrahamic religion’s insistence that unfounded beliefs (ignorance) supersedes knowledge; they’ve found no wrong in their devilish history of killing millions, but continue to grovel and worship their culpable sanctimonious fallacious beliefs.
20.     Women are more interested in having a real, free, peaceful, healthy, moral, progressive world for their family’s welfare than in being on their knees groveling to denigrating supernatural nonsense. Organized religion keeps female leadership at bay, allowing few hierarchal opportunities. The fatuous promotion of eternal life is a nice fantasy, but it should not take precedence over rational ways to save Earth’s life forms. Male leadership in government and religion has been costly. The intrinsic qualities of women inspire congeniality and trust. We can’t trust pious male clergy who preach King Josiah’s tribal propaganda as inerrant certainty. Religions are belief systems based on god-ideas fabricated by man to achieve an advantage, but our intangible beliefs produced eons of mortal conflict. I want to expose the history of our three fallacious faiths, and thereby show what perpetuating primitive ignorance does to societies, as our beliefs are incompatible with undiscriminating inclusiveness. We are fortunate to have a worldwide team of ambitious, educated, perspicacious women while men are in their descendancy, and shouldn’t procrastinate this rare opportunity to right an ancient wrong.


1.     Today’s conservative political movement began in 1980; resulting in legislation harmful to the middle class; ravaging trade unions, deregulating utilities and banks; plus reducing taxes on our wealthiest, who colluded in reducing interest rates to encourage consumerism, and out-sourcing our manufacturing economy, to reduce labor’s cost; (see U.S. ECONOMY). The Religious Right’s Republican Party promoted our Middle East wars, which have cost us more than $1.5 trillion. We owe China $1.6 trillion, which they invested in U.S. treasury notes, rather than their people.  Deregulations, etc. caused our banking system’s recent “melt-down” and recession; prompting Federal Reserve to initiate “quantitative easing”, e.g., printing new money and buying locally owned government bonds; putting cash into consumers’ hands, thereby increasing inflation.  The U.S.A.’s total debt is $14.3 trillion.
2.     Religions thrive during our times of despair; people sense a need for “inerrant certainty”; increasing “born-again” voters and electing additional “born-again” officials such as President George W. Bush, who favored low taxes for corporate wealth, and low interest-rates; encouraging gullible consumers, to build and buy. In 2008 tax-payers bailed out our collapsed banking system, but mortgages were foreclosed on thousands of homes; increasing unemployment, additional desperate “born-again” voters. This recessionary spiral was created by the Religious Right’s conservative Christian legislators, and hierarchy proposed managing our federal government. Their ignorance of “God” is only exceeded by their ignorance of our realistic worldly needs. A constitutional amendment could nullify our freedom of/from religion allowing religion to nullify all contentious speech, press and assembly sacrificing our freedoms to religious tyranny. Deceptive attempts by monarch’s prestigious professional proponents of mystical gods, subjugated and manipulated their subjects; leading to the creation of the bible’s fictitious gods. I fear our electorate is initiating the end of its own Bill of Rights. History shows that believing “God” demands specific political action encourages unlimited Christian abuse and cruelty. Remember the torture and slaughtering during the Inquisitions, Crusades, the 30 year war, and recent Holocaust, of innocent Jewish men women and little children. (See CHRISTIAN ANTI-JUDAISM).
3.   Historically, political tyranny was enforced by prestigious professional proponents of specious wrathful intimidating gods, portrayed as tyrants, e.g., King Josiah’s propagandist, Yahweh, commanded death for everyone who failed to follow Josiah’s commands; its precepts were adopted by the “holy books”. I’m concerned for literalists or fundamentalist, who believe the bible is the “word of God” and death correct punishment for breaking biblical commandments. Our world’s vast trove of knowledge is unable to provide facts about our imaginary gods. Like other malevolent anecdotes, god-ideas were eagerly promulgated, worldwide as creeds to manipulate the ignorant gullible multitudes of ancient despotic monarchs.
    4.     I don’t contest facts; religion has no facts, only beliefs. I argue against our misguided electorate’s full-throated enthusiasm for adopting a mystical sovereign god to glorify government with creeds and defer all national and international questions to the god’s prestigious professional proponents. Our Founding Fathers meant to prevent such a religious ruse’s unfortunate outcome for world’s first democracy dedicated to the proposition that all humans are created equal and that our democracy be free of ecclesiastical interference. Their intentions can be found in Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay’s: The Federalist Papers; 85 articles, published; 1787-1788, analyzing the Constitution of the U.S. and urging its adoption. When and if a god is declared sovereign, America with all of its rights and freedoms loses its sovereignty and will be a Christian theocracy, obligated to literally obey the bible’s laws; much like the Middle East Islamic regimes. The Coalition also plans for a majority of non-thinkers in our electorate by proselytizing them as potential believers. Once believers submit their will to a god, they will learn how the god’s professional proponents want them to vote, and televangelists will control our government; not as a secular democracy, but an authoritarian theocracy. Historically, political leaders’ specious gods’ threats of death for apostates, nonbelievers, etc., implicated their subjects in occult mysticism to gain their submission. The god-idea was ingrained into our ancestors for millennia, and the survivors, including little children, believed the Big Lie, which is very seldom questioned.
5.     The conservative Religious Right Coalition awaits an opportunity to rescind our constitution’s Church-State separation and our freedom from religion; our nation will then become their theocratic fiefdom; interpreting their “God” literally; demanding that apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, etc., be killed by believers. Much of our world is tyrannized by Islamism’s totalitarian regimes, but our founding fathers were determined to separate our ecclesiastical affairs from our governing apparatus.

6.     Believers, cognizant of Christianity’s familiar fantasies, but unfamiliar with their faith’s degenerative history, may be surprised to learn about the Religious Right’s Evangelicals’ preparations to subvert our democracy by packing our government with officials favoring a theocratic nation, where their version of the Pentateuch’s perfidious Judaic god will supplant our Supreme Court, and like the Islamic regimes, professional proponents of mystical gods will rule by disallowing other points of view. This will set the stage for Evangelical’s, long awaited cataclysmic “End Times” with the Abrahamic faiths decimating each other, to determine which is eligible to welcome their god’s descendancy from heaven as believers ascend to heaven and we nonbelievers experience a gory end. This is my allegorical parody of our humanity’s regressive ignorance and allegiance to imaginary gods.
7.     Supreme Court’s selection of George W. Bush as our president in 2000 was inopportune. Reliance on faith instead of reason changed our nation’s course to an irrational one. Political and religious militancy brought the U.S. to our degraded position in the world. Kevin Phillips’, book, American Theocracy, The Perils and Practice of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money, In The 21st Century, documents how the Religious Right Coalition’s Republican Party’s unfortunate assistance brought our country to its knees. President Bush’s administration was an expensive disaster.
8.     It is presumptuous to presume that today’s Christian government would be less fundamentalist or totalitarian than primitive Judaism’s were or the ancient Christian despots were or the tyrannical Islamic Muslim’s are today; all of which worship the Pentateuch; the original Holy Scriptures of the Hebrew bible, which was originally fabricated in 7th century BCE for tribal propaganda by King Josiah of Judah in order to maintain command over his tribe of Israelites. Since blind-belief in “God” led millions to kill nonbelievers, it is unintelligible that individuals, so divorced from reality that they need a mystical god to guide them, are considered qualified to hold a high public office. The bible’s “God”, which was King Josiah’s tribal god, is portrayed as a death-dealing egomaniac devoid of impartial goodness or love; except for the Jews, whose own innocent children their god failed to save from the holocaust’s gas chambers, furnaces, etc.
See CHRISTIAN ANTI-JUDAISM for evidence of Vatican complicity.
9.     Mythical gods should be of good character. Believing in the criminal behavior of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda’s vile & vengeful Yahweh has proved detrimental to world peace. Josiah’s god set bad examples for man. Males with their mighty male god challenge all who disagree. Women excel at peaceful leadership, with evolutionarily developed sensibilities that seek compromise. Men developed alertness for things lurking out there, and King Josiah’s god commanded us to dominate the world. Men resist ideas of world-citizenship. I’m not describing all men; fortunately, our world has produced innumerable exceptional male nonbelievers who developed our great fund of worldly knowledge. Being a male for 95 years provides a fair appraisal of our limitations. I understand our predicament. Virility is vital to our self-esteem; it influences thoughts, distorts equiponderance, disturbs amicable diplomacy’s contentious negotiations. Most males believe King Josiah’s god provided women to service them, while we convert the world to the service of a spurious god.
10.     Every word spoken or written, from the primitive jungles until today, promoting mystical gods as our savior has been deceitful. King Josiah’s scholars conjured the tales about patriot Abraham, and the, creation. The question is; were they purposely deceptive, such as the Pentateuch, the gospels, and Mohammad’s revelations?
11.     Before the eighteenth century’s Enlightenment and prior to America’s independence, and to its Religion-Lites; belief in a god had been insisted upon by political leaders who killed apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods. Gods were the hand-maidens or pawns that prestigious professional proponents of mystical gods used, psychologically, and otherwise to enforce the tyrannical commands of monarchal despots.
12.      Dear reader, please don’t fear; just because prestigious professional proponents of Abrahamic faith’s mystical gods have been exposed as frauds doesn’t change the facts of life; gods have always been phantasmal illusions. Maybe what I say will prevent religious idiots from following the holy book’s specious gods’ commands to destroy our freedom of thought and our dearth of nonbelieving thinkers.
“Beware the sanctimonious when they make laws. Scratch a moralist, and you will find a hypocrite”.  Shakespeare’s: Measure for Measure.


1.     We humans should not consider ourselves above and beyond Earth’s natural physical laws which control all living things. Information indicates we are part of an orderly system. Every part consists of matter; I have no concept of the unreal or spiritual, despite religion’s allusion to it. We’ve not found anything considered supernatural. Evolution provides transparent answers about how life on Earth developed. We don’t know why we are here; is the answer worth killing others over hypothetical questions? The more we learn, the more we want to know; just because I cannot explain supernaturalism’s unknowns, but it is not beyond my comprehension, when and if, the information becomes available. Without answers we can’t assume poetic license to publicly proclaim divine gods. Indeed the absence of verifiable information is not an excuse for inventing answers, which only confuse people with misleading assumptions. Apprehension, ignorance and over-active imaginations have brought about our undoing. History reveals that civilizations faltered wherever religion was a zealous consideration. Many believe we are on oblivion’s slippery slope and fear Religion-Lite’s inundation by the growth of Fundamentalism. 
2.     Israelis and Palestinians share racial characteristics and speak Semitic languages; both are Abrahamic faiths and worship King Josiah’s fictitious god, but have distinctive religions. Israelis worship the holy land’s Judaism, but Palestinians worship Arabia’s Islamism; the basis of their rivalry and inability to live together peacefully. American Colonies welcomed Jewish immigrants; but not the Puritans in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, who burned the Salem witches, and forbade infidels to own land. Jewish culture, in the United States has been an intellectual stimulant but occasionally an ignorant Christian will voice his simmering anti-Semitism.
3.     Evolution’s system of natural selection  provides numerous benefits, but it also accentuates the imperviousness of deleterious bacteria and the submicroscopic viries. Medical research is too often stymied, by dogmatic ignorance. Scientific experimentation advances knowledge, but religious faiths denigrate scientific inquiry, preferring ignorance contemporaneous with the bible. Recent examples of religion’s ludicrousness are the Pope’s condemnation of Africa’s condom distribution to thwart further H.I.V., and President George W. Bush’s refusal to allow further research on lines of particular stem-cells.

4.     Mark Twain, our nineteenth century satirist, said a lot about religion, but for obvious reasons none was published until after his death; its great material, read it, you’ll enjoy it. Like Mark Twain and many others who find mystical gods absurdly unreasonable, I, personally fear religious zealotry, such as Islam’s misperceived godly powers to kill the world’s infidels.
 5.     Religion is an imperative in many lives, and a complication for those burdened with feelings of inadequacy or guilt, to which they desperately cling with only blind faith. I am free from the influence of specious religions and regret that for masses of people, religion is tantamount to an infected feverish boil on their bottom that continuous to threaten hell-fire, but we remain reluctant to interfere or medicate for fear of yet another painfully destructive eruption.
6.     The pert answer that: god works in mysterious ways, is unacceptably stupid. Many believers sense self-righteous satisfaction in promoting god-ideas which they consider too-good to ignore regardless of authenticity. This wouldn’t be a problem if religion was not so divided and diverse; its lack of essential information creates uncertainties that disrupt its Systems and sectaries creating additional distinctive problematic, religious sects.
7.     Author, Bernard Lewis, in his Crisis of Islam, mentions: “in the Middle Eastern Arab world the idea of Equality is very basic in Islamic belief; all true believers are equal, although nonbelievers and women are excluded and are not equal. The political leaders are obsessed with a god-idea and kill all who disagree; their minds are closed; refusing opportunities to learn about the origin of the three Abrahamic faiths. However Kuwait, an Islamic country, permits women to vote and become members of Parliament.
 8.     Galileo was condemned for heresy by Inquisition’s general tribunal, which was established in the 13th century for discovery and suppression of heresy and punishment of heretics. Copernicus developed the Copernican system, the basis of modern Astronomy. He theorized that planets in our solar system revolved around the sun and the turning of earth on its axis accounted for the rising and setting of the sun and stars. Galileo’s telescope demonstrated the truth of Copernicus’ theory; he spent seven years under house-arrest for questioning the Church’s position. When King Josiah’s minions composed his ruse of royal propaganda little was known about our solar system. Aristotle (384-322 BCE), proclaimed Earth at the center of the universe, encircled by the moon, sun and stars. Nicolaus Copernicus, (1473-1543), found inconsistencies with that theory and placed the sun at the center. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), corrected Copernicus’s famous but incorrectly formulated description of the solar system, and established the laws of planetary motion on which Isaac Newton (1642-1727), based his work.
 9.     Knowledge is power; religions wield prodigious powers supported by ignorance; they resist knowledge and tout fear, deceit and a specious concept, i.e., supernaturalism; under the guise of personal salvation. Our concurrence will degenerate our Democracy into a Tyrannical Theocracy. Our view of history will determine our destiny; primitive political leaders, ancient and medieval kings depended upon the idea of imaginary gods to manipulate and control their multitudes; the history of Western Europe is replete with Christian nations brought to ruin by their zealous insistence that citizens be converted or else classified heretics, subject to inquisitions, persecutions, and death. Central Europe’s Holy Roman Empire (800-1806) had organized the Teutonic Knights’ unsuccessful Crusade to retake the Holy Land. In 1618, militant Catholic principalities provoked 30 years of religious wars (1618-48) against both Catholics and Protestant sects, who also fought each other with unrivaled fury. (See CHRISTIANITY).
10.     After two centuries of divisive Christian wars, Western Europeans tempered their religious fervor in favor of old fashioned secularism and reason, while the U.S.A. has become religiously contentious, narrower minded, less understanding and more divisive; suffering self-imposed disillusionment; many think we are the international leader; others, more knowledgeable of history, are aware of Christianity’s militant influence on Europe. We are too religious. Skepticism and tolerance could help us a lot. The confluence of religion and nationalism; historically has produced only death-dealing incapacitating tyrannical theocracies as per King Josiah.
11.     Our mid-nineteenth century Civil War, was a religious war; pulpits in both North and South justified it. Ireland’s Catholic terrorism of England and Serbia’s Christian terrorism of the Muslims were religious wars; plus, President G. W. Bush’s Iraq-Afghanistan wars concern religion. When the Abrahamic religions are not partaking in wars, they accommodate them. Islamic religious extremists succeeded in destroying New York City’s World Trade Center towers and goaded the U.S. into unwinnable wars within their hot-bed of radicalism where their announced goal is ridding the world of infidels, but they are fighting for worldwide Islamic sharai law.

12.    Presently, the Religious Right Coalition controls many electorate plus political leaders who supported Pres. Bush’s Middle East misadventure and promote Israel’s effort to rid the Holy Lands of Palestinians in preparation for Evangelicals’ “End Times”. Mr. Phillips’ book, documents Christianity’s political influence in the implosion of: the Roman Empire—late 15th to 17th century; Spanish centered Hapsburg Empire—16th to 18th century; the Netherlands or Dutch Empire—17th to 18th century; Great Britain’s British Empire—18th to 20th century, and says that “Each of these countries, in its day, was the leading world economic power and principal naval or military power and each believed in their own exceptionalism, a wellspring of encouragement and reassurance for early and middle generations but a source of strategic blindness during the last years of illusion”.
14.    Our nation is relegated to a less than exalted position in world affairs. We are pondering ways to make our world undiscriminating and inclusive; the love and trust-thy-neighbor, philosophy propounded by Christianity, but when considered seriously religion’s irrationality defies common sense; its absurdity and diversity prevents it being the intended fantasy.  Several Christian Protestant sects in the U.S. are becoming more intense, fervid, feverish, charismatic, exclusive and intolerant; waiting expectantly for Armageddon. They won’t be disappointed; nations and empires have been destroyed before when the people depended upon a political leader’s spurious god to save them from righteous self-destruction.
15.     Historically, our world has settled religious differences with mortal conflict, but our only opportunity to save our planet and us, is global compromise and understanding. Men are contentious; women have proven themselves the saner. Maybe, civilized human beings can agree that man’s god-ideas have been devastating deceitful ruses and be rid of them. The bible’s god is portrayed as a divisive pathological killer, unfit to guide a peace loving people. Reason & Truth are basic to any belief. The world’s God delusions require reconsideration. “Religion is especially liable to reflect the vagaries and weaknesses of human nature; and, as the forms and habits of thought connected with worship take a firmer hold on the mental constitution than do those belonging to any other department of human experience, religious conceptions should be subjected to frequent and careful examination in order to perceive the extent to which we are holding on to ideas which are unsuited to existing conditions. In an age when every branch of inquiry is being subjected to reasonable criticism, it would seem that the origin and growth of religion should be investigated from beneath the surface, and that all facts bearing upon it should be brought forward as a contribution to our fund of general information”; quoted from: God-Idea of the Ancients, by Liza Burt Gamble
16.     Neither God nor Jesus criticized slavery or polygamy, which were common throughout much of history. Slavery was abolished in civilized countries in the nineteenth century. But polygamy, banned in many parts of the world, is practiced surreptitiously in the U.S. and Canada. Biblical treatment of women as chattel is why today’s religious leaders’ do the same. Today civilized nations accept a woman’s vote, in an election or on a jury is equal to a man’s vote. Enlightened societies no longer regard women as property. They were granted the vote as follows: New Zealand 1893; Australia 1902; Finland 1906; Norway 1913; U.S. 1920; Britain 1928; France 1945; Belgium 1946; Switzerland 1971; Kuwait: 2006.
17.     Racial purity is a national identification for many nations; but the U.S. has thrived by accepting miscegenation. We are destined within the foreseeable future, via assimilation and intermarriage, to become a browner people, (See PARTY REVERSAL). Racial-centric nations, such as France and Japan overlook the obvious benefits of DNA diversity and are reluctant to assimilate foreigners. A peaceful world will benefit everyone; it depends upon our world’s willingness to forego ethnic uniqueness and encourage global harmony along with ethnological undiscriminating inclusiveness.
18.     I don’t think governments should forbid the practice of religion as long as it forsakes hate, embraces tolerance, accepts new scientific knowledge, remains peaceful and does no harm. Karl Marx was correct: a large percentage of believers have a desperate need for an onerous opiate of self-righteous self-satisfaction. Our U.S. government is woefully inept to encourage the proliferation of religions with tax abatements because our Constitution guarantees us freedom from religion, as well as freedom of religion so why the free ride?  We nonbelievers consider tax supported “faith based” services unconstitutional.
19.     Uncritical acclaim of self-righteous religious leaders is oblique and disingenuous. We must assume they are familiar with the bible’s incorrigible unforgiving god, which no one should emulate. Is it sheer ignorance or the evil intent of King Josiah’s tribal propaganda that has propelled both political and religious leaders since the propaganda’s evil god was adopted as the Hebrew bible’s god? Religions have been blind to their responsibility to help keep peace in our world; which, historically, has been torn asunder by their militancy. They are also responsible for unsuspecting humanity’s gullible attraction to their thoughtless, or possibly intentional, calumny.
 20.     You’ve read my treatise and know our primitive fears, ignorance and longing for a better future, led us to believe our welfare depended upon imaginary gods. I have an imaginary female god and I’ve described how Yahweh, God and Allah became gods in the minds of billions of misguided, trusting unthinking hopeful people. Gods have always been just ideas. At no time in recorded history have we been aware of the supernatural. We men concocted all gods and practiced divination which secured our path to leadership; the control and manipulation of tribes, tribal councils, political and social groups, thenceforth our nations, and the world’s empires.
 21.     One hundred and thirty seven years prior to America’s Independence an English clergyman in the American Colonies, John Harvard, endowed Harvard College, founded in 1639, as a religious school. Presently, there is not a department of religion at Harvard University. Religion is founded upon ancient sorcery; Just because billions of people have believed in “God” does not change the fact that prestigious professional proponents of “Gods” have no tangible evidence, but deceitfully promulgate beliefs in a specious god, leading large segments of our world to anticipate heaven with loved ones; and respond passionately to suggestions of its unavailability. False promises bring disappointments and more bloodshed. I regret there is not a heavenly existence, as per fantasies; my understanding is: that only our “essence” would be affected. Believers have been led to believe they and all of their ancestors will be in prime human form with their god for eternity.
22.     Religion’s position is awkward & embarrassing, having spent twenty six hundred years promulgating unfounded doctrine; based upon young King Josiah’s tribal propaganda. Groups or individuals that claim to speak for “God” are misinformed; not qualified to do so; the Judaic god was an evil character in Josiah’s political tribal propaganda; information about “God” is in bible’s Pentateuch; Josiah’s propaganda.
23.      Author, Strobe Talbott duly warns: “In championing reason, science, and humanism against ignorance, dogma, and despotism, the great figures of the Enlightenment were waging, with their minds and their pens, what was often a losing battle against blunter instruments—In a world where disputes between individuals and states were so often resolved not by reason or merit or virtue but by force, the power of ideas alone did not stand much of a chance against the power of violence”, which was due to forced religious beliefs and religious sect’s competiveness. I’m undeterred.
I’ve shown religion began in the jungles with voodoo gods that the Judaic god was fabricated by King Josiah of Judah in the seventh century BCE; composed as tribal propaganda to confound and maneuver his subjects with sanctimonious tyranny. Deceitful believers desecrated humanity by slaughtering its nonbelievers; thereby developing a religion industry which promotes primitive promises of forgiveness of sins and salvation in heaven for the righteous and hell for the wicked. Twenty six hundred years of inquisitions, persecutions, despoliation and wars prove that the gods of the Abrahamic faiths’ Judaism, Christianity and Muslimism are, as King Josiah’s scholars concocted; fictional dividers and ruthless killers.
24.     The fraudulent backward Abrahamic religions found it necessary to slaughter millions of dissenters in order to force false beliefs onto innocent societies; recall Spain’s invasion and exploration  of both North and South American continents; killing the natives and taking their land in the name of “God”; all because they believed mystical gods would salvage their souls. Religious beliefs are inconceivable; their historical death and devastation almost destroyed their world; all progress was accomplished by a few clear minded thinkers, who had to survive organized religions’ gauntlet of inquisitions, persecutions, banishment and death.  Abrahamic religions’ hierarchies know that knowledge will expose them to shame, ridicule and failure. It’s why they stymy inquiry. Why do today’s hierarchies promulgate primitive and ancient fallacious dogma? Could it be because professional proponents of mystical gods have been prestigious positions since their jungle experiences, or is it their blind-faith in King Josiah’s fabulous tribal propaganda? Think about it. Obviously additional knowledge could have saved us from intangible beliefs; thus we are obligated to improve public education by ignoring the Creation Myth, and emphasize the proven facts of Evolution.


1.     You say you love science-fiction’s unbelievable stories; like H.G. Well’s Time Machine? Tell you what I’m going to do; there is a story I want to tell about microscopic life beginning 3.5 billion years ago on an extraordinary planet where evolution naturally developed a new species, Homo sapiens, whose political and religious leaders, under the guise of alleviating people’s fears and restless anxieties, conjured imaginary gods, to better manipulate them, plus the gods provided simple solutions to fathomless conundrums. Innumerable future generations inherited and embellished the gods, whose specious threats and rewards gradually became essential to maintaining an obeisant tribal allegiance. Money influences power. Political and religious leaders found that god-ideas were career enhancing; profitably developing divination, with its professional shamans, medicine-men, priests, etc. who represented gods and collected portions of the sacrificed meat and grain. Ancient kings built religious alters throughout their kingdoms facilitating the slaughter of sacrificial livestock. This sordid practice continued until King Josiah of Judah proclaimed his monotheistic god and destroyed the pagan altars, limiting worship to Jerusalem’s Temple. He and subsequent tyrannical monarchs, killed non-allegiant nonbelievers, convincing their ignorant gullible believers and their progeny that they were subjugated, under threats of death, for non-obeisance, to an ever-present, all-knowing, all-powerful, egomaniacal superhuman god. It’s not science-fiction, but a true, strange, tragic saga, about the perfidious fictional gods and Abrahamic religions that humankind embraced. Gods have always received tithes and gifts; there is a childhood story about a rabbi, catholic priest and protestant preacher discussing how they shared Sabbath’s gifts with “God”, and the rabbi explains: “I simply throw it all up into the air and let God decide”.
2.     Primitive man was ignorant of his planet’s natural laws and scientific principles. He imagined imperceptible powers manipulated and controlled his world. Without evidence humankind’s imagination, ignorance, fear and underdeveloped intellects, devised devious schemes to use the occult for personal advantage, e.g., tribal leaders, priests, etc. leading to King Josiah of Judah’s monotheistic god idea. Belief in a particularly vicious god instilled fear of vengeful retaliation into subjects; subjugating and organizing them, assuring their unquestioning allegiance. European history is replete with despotic church-state dynasties. America’s prescient founding fathers founded the first secular democracy with a Constitution and Bill of Rights.
 3.     I have explained how young King Josiah’s tribal propaganda’s fictional tribal god character, Yahweh, decreed the killing of apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers and proponents of other gods. The killing assured Josiah’s successful reign. His propaganda was proclaimed Holy Scriptures of the Hebrew bible, which portrays the god as an egomaniacal pathological killer who destroyed nations, demanding death for millions including innocent women, children, even infanticide and gang-rapes, which assured “God’s” notoriety; all in order to benefit Josiah. A majority of our U.S. population believes in “God”; which I question. Why would anyone worship bible’s genocidal, merciless god and believe we should emulate it? Why do adults worship what they are ignorant about? The bible confirmed my skepticism, improved my life immeasurably and made an atheist out of me. Knowledge is glorious, but ignorance robs one of self-worth, confidence, and initiative. Gods are helpless, hopeless, nonentities invented by man. Recall the Judaic god’s fulltime neglect of its “chosen people” during their brutal history including the Holocaust? As for Jesus, I’m not impressed by the conflicting gospels, which were composed more than a century after the purported miracles. Prolific writings by contemporaneous historians do not mention Jesus or his “miracles”. Jesus was just another fictional god; contrived by the Jews to support their original menacing Yahweh with a less virile, more empathetic benevolent son. The Jesus fables are as incredulous as those of King Josiah, but Jews denied the lurid tale of Yahweh killing his own son.
4.     The world is divided between haves & have-nots, i.e., thinkers & non-thinkers, e.g., leaders & followers; about 85% are non-thinking followers. Don’t be one of them. Religion connotes intolerance and if anyone suggests that “God” can help you, thank them and run; don’t discuss impossibilities with organizations built upon subterfuge, bigotry and the extermination of dissenters. Converts are attracted by creating mortal fear of unknown gods. Abrahamic faiths are cults, awaiting prestigious professional proponents’ opportunity to govern us with fundamentalism’s theocratic absolutism. I fear that U.S.’s “born again” electorate will rescind our secular democracy and return to Christianity’s former totalitarianism, forbidding freedom of information, speech, religion, etc. Islamic regimes are totalitarian, where true-believers are equal, but women and nonbelievers are not equal. The Abrahamic religions’ politicians control their “born again” electorate, and postulate exchanging our secular democracy’s Bill of Rights for theocracy’s absolutism. Religion-lite is a decoy; attracting ignorant innocent prey into the maw of theological totalitarianism; destroying the sovereignty of our nation and our freedoms of religion, speech, press, etc. including their own voting rights.
  5.     It’s  disturbing to contemplate why much of today’s society rejects our accumulation of evidence proving that all gods, including the Judaic “God” are man’s creations, and that innumerable contradictions, misstatements, misrepresentations, and general incongruity, indicates the bible’s lack of authenticity. Also my chapter; JUDAISM, reveals how the bible’s early books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings, were originally king Josiah’s tribal propaganda.
 6.     How wonderful life could be if Muslimism would forgo its tyrannical killing, and if all religions would surrender thoughts of political dominion, and forgo preaching Pentateuch’s incredulous precepts and vicious stories, where “God” calls for slaughtering all peoples, of several nations, including innocent mothers and children, but cautions the soldiers to save the young virgins for their pleasure. Why do clergy consider “God’s” crimes sacred? I understand it’s a farce; but clergy intentionally misleads congregations by deceptively presenting their spurious god as a benevolent do-gooder.
 7.     Religion’s history is replete with tyranny, persecutions, beheadings, burnings, wars, despoliation, desecration, and general mayhem. Serious consideration should be given to cleaning-up our religions’ ungodliness. Fallacious promises are like false advertising; if congregations weren’t so ignorant and gullible, it might be ok, but it’s unfair; like shooting fish in a barrel, because ignorance eagerly clamors for the opportunity to be fooled,     and religions compete for opportunities to satisfy their egotistical desire to live forever. Although promulgating unfounded doctrine may be unworthy and vexing, religions, apparently reason that someone has to do it; that it shouldn’t be neglected, because if congregations adequately tithe, sins are absolved forthwith, and requirement of righteous self-satisfaction either meets the approval of the membership’s majority, or they are apt to scout for a new minister, or leave and organize a new church. It’s a precarious business, void of scientific principles; dealing only with the supernatural.
8.     Religion-Lite is man’s inane, incomprehensible, competitive enterprise. It consists of numerous distinctive sects, each offering a pseudo insurance against risks of an imaginary hell plus forgiveness of sins and promise of eternal life in an imaginary heaven. It is supported by gifts, etc. Eligibility qualifications are defined by each sect. Fear of retaliation, by an imaginary god, brain-washes congregations into eager believers. However, Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Muslimism, hark back to the despotic reign of King Josiah, twenty six centuries ago, and cannot deny their documented compliance with their holy books’ commands to kill apostates, blasphemers, nonbelievers, proponents of other gods etc.; Millions subscribed to a monarch’s specious god in order to save their lives, thereby agreeing to do the killing. From their infamous bloody background Religion-Lite presents a holier-than-thou face to the world, but they are neither holy nor a benign fantasia; Christian religion wields great power in our U.S. Congress and Senate. Most of our legislators endorse the bible’s vengeful fictitious god, and patronize our “born-again” electorate; hoping to attain hierarchy’s stated goal of a Christian managed U.S.A., i.e., a totalitarian theocracy; where, like in ancient times, Christians will substitute a specious god for brains and supported by a “born-again” electorate, insist their prestigious professional proponents overrule all contentious opposition.
9.     Our world’s ethnic cultures are divided into two opposing groups. The larger, more populated, older group respects and values authority above all else. Their combined, church-state, governments assure authority and security, and along with the community and tribe, are more important than the individual. China, Japan, East Asian nations and the Middle East are among this despotic group of nations, known as the East. The smaller, less populated, younger group of ethnic cultures cherishes independence and liberty. Sovereign individuals elect governing authorities, and choose belief systems, not necessarily a religious ones; with freedoms of speech, assembly, the press, etc. West Europe and America are among this group, known as the West, but if Christianity governs all is lost.
10.     All goodness comes from fellow human beings in spite of religion’s perfidious presumptions. I have explained that the Judaic God, Jesus and Allah are fraudulent, and the discerning astute thinkers were slaughtered because they refused to kill other nonbelievers. That is how it was: from King Josiah’s contrivance of a monotheistic god until about 1450 CE when the Christians finally forbade it; but fanatical Muslims continue it, which corroborates my earlier statement, that the world’s Islamic regimes are the most backward, violent, and the most religious societies on Earth.
11.     We must never forget that: throughout the ages, millions were killed and horrific crimes committed by monarchs, clergy and zealous believers in response to the commands of the bible’s specious “God”. I presume that zealous religious government officials will replicate the evil deeds of ancient clergy, when and if a mythical god is our ultimate decision maker. Congregations profess blind faith in deceptive dogma rather than their intellect, because clergy do not reveal the truth about the specious “Judaic God’s” criminal behavior. 
12.     It is incumbent upon us nonbelievers, to be a little more considerate and polite than church attendees; or we will be considered devil-workers. We must prove to be high-principled, tolerant, unbigoted, exemplary seekers of the truth; searching for pertinent knowledge of religion’s perfidious history, and we must seek society’s respect by establishing ourselves as considerate, helpful, congenial, convivial individuals, whose critical explorations into the history of the bible’s Judaic god, challenge religion’s deceit with reason, truth and complete honesty. We have determined the truth; we have no “Gods”; bible’s Pentateuch is fraudulent; and we believe civilized society can accept the truth without destroying the world; that blind-faith in the bible’s unfounded “rewards for the righteous, and punishments for the wicked” are good adages, but empty promises. We must not gloat over our ability to recognize that “God’s” slaughter of innocent mothers, children and infants is, criminal; unworthy of our consideration.
 13.     I began this treatise with excerpts from Thomas Paine’s introduction to: The Age of Reason and now end it with excerpts from its final chapter.
 Following excerpts are from Mr. Paine’s concluding remarks:
“It is incumbent on every man who reverences the character of the Creator, and who wishes to lessen the catalogue of artificial miseries, and remove the cause that has sown persecutions thick among mankind, to expel all ideas of a revealed religion as a dangerous heresy, and an impious fraud. What is it that we have learned from this pretended thing called revealed religion?—nothing that is useful to man and everything that is dishonorable to his Maker. What is it the Bible teaches us?—repine, cruelty, and murder. What is it the [New] Testament teaches us?—to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married; and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.—I here close the subject. I have shown in all the foregoing parts of this work that the Bible and Testament are impositions and forgeries; and I leave the evidence I have produced in proof of it to be refuted, if anyone can do it; and I leave the ideas that are suggested in the conclusion of the work to rest on the mind of the reader; certain as I am that when opinions are free, either in matters of government or religion, truth will finally and truthfully prevail”.
I, Sam Redwine; author of this iconoclastic harangue, fully agree with Thomas Paine. I don’t expect refutation, because the bible’s incongruity cannot be authenticated. I will not be surprised if some religious idiot stones me to death; however, I am confident of NATURE and REALITY. Man has experienced both since our beginning. Although they are sometimes undependable; we understand how to cope with their surprises, but have not agreed on how to survive our self-inflicted global warming. Abrahamic religions’ prestigious professional proponents of mystical gods convinced humankind to divide up and slaughter each other over diverse opinions of King Josiah’s fabricated royal tract of tribal propaganda. I invite you to write a cogent explanation for the bible’s incomprehensible Pentateuch; since Yahweh is portrayed as an egomaniacal killer of innocent foreigners. How is that supposed to help the world? Recall: subsequent ignominious Jewish history; their god did not help, simply because it was fictitious.


1.      Our species’ future depends upon what thinkers understand were the reasons why history took its recorded course. My thoughts are less on our well documented ignoble past than on our future, I have no clues, but great interest. Who will we become; will evolution ever improve us physically or intellectually; will our scientists develop more beneficial knowledge for humanity, or will the world’s wisdom persuade us to peacefully nurture an international government; or will religious idiots obtain nuclear weapons, who imagine a “God” commands them to rid the world of thinkers, but if thinkers are killed, idiotic religious tyranny is waiting to rule the world.
2.     Islamic regimes, the world’s fastest growing religion, control our destiny. When Iran attains nuclear bombs, Islam will control all nations reachable by their delivery system. Religious rivalry and propaganda about imminent Armageddon indicate an ominous prognosis for a semi-civilized world. Belief in “God” disrupted many formidable nations and I fear our electorate’s religiosity will rescind our “Founding Father’s freedoms” and replace them with Islam’s biblical tyranny. Religion’s future depends upon future humankind’s ignorance and its fears of an erroneous biblical god’s insinuated subjugation. The world’s discerning,  thinkers, dismiss all religious beliefs; but our religious majority’s ignorance might destroy our world’s trove of knowledge. Where religion’s controlled government, they burned books, stifled scientific inquiry, and their critics, by denying them freedom of information, the press, etc., i.e., their own Bill of Rights.
3.     David P. Goldman, in his informative book; How Civilizations Die says Islamic women’s average birth rate has dropped precipitously, indicating they’ve lost faith along with their dying civilization, and that America’s birth rate assures survival. However, we view religion quite differently. He values it, but I find its sanctimonious fallaciousness unfitting. Primitive professional proponents of mystical gods began deceit as scamming voodooists in the jungles and prospered as priests whose dogma enforced the tyranny of ancient monarchs and landed aristocracy. The 1700s American religious freedom’s rid churches of the Pentateuch’s evil death-dealing god, and developed the Religion-Lite industry, which evinces an ironic deceitful message; that religions’ perceived purpose is saving man from his innate calumny, which he initiated in the jungles.
 4.     Life taught me that a small percentage of men developed our world’s philosophical and scientific knowledge; always with the aid and support of women, and that the Judaic “God” persuaded most men that women were inferior beings, meant to be subjugated. History has proved that women, when confronted with daily life’s irrational problems are more flexible, wiser, and more rational than conventional men.
5.     Mara Hvistendahl’s book: Unnatural Selections; Choosing Boys Over Girls, And The Consequences Of A World Full Of Men; exposes an invidious custom. Her world history of Gender Selection describes debacles created when excessive numbers of testosterone-laden young men are unable to find wives. Unbalanced genders led to serious crime wherever occurring in history, e.g. the settlement of our “wild-west”. The latest census of small children in our world alerts us to future problems—within fifteen years, South Korea, China, India and Azerbaijan, collectively, will need 160 million additional young women, (equivalent to U.S. female population), in order to domesticate a like number of ambitious, vindictive, rapacious young males. The situation, at minimum, will exacerbate their customary trafficking in women and children. “Men love the power of pre-eminence and dominion. They often abuse the confidence of others and sacrifice their scruples to personal advantage”; Statistics indicate: U.S. men’s probability for committing violent crimes is 4 times higher than women’s; we men are 3 times more likely to commit robbery; 5 times more likely to commit aggravated assault; 8 times more likely to be arrested for murder, and 13 times more likely to be arrested for a sexual offense. Although little girls are life’s loveliest, most wonderful creations; true believers cannot right the rampant wrong of killing girl babies because the unforgivable custom is too much like the Judaic “God’s” common practice of infanticide and genocide, as related in the bible. Emulating “God” is our Nemesis.
6.     I’m not optimistic. Our nation’s government is the best money can buy. It is beholden to Finance, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Utilities and other major contributors to national political campaigns. Our nation’s legislative bodies are cooperative recipients of the conservative Religious Right Coalition’s influence and largesse; they advocate for a “born-again” electorate’s disgraceful god. Income disparity is the result of conservative legislator’s effort to convert our nation’s economy into religiously controlled medieval serfdom; in order to better enrich campaign’s contributors at the expense of our electorate. It is obvious that the Republican Party’s obduracy campaign within our House and Senate results from the reversal of political platforms in the South in 1965 the religious segregationist voters,  annoyed by the enactment of the Civil Rights Act, left the Democratic Party and took over Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party. (See PARTY REVERSAL).
7.     Conservative voters are depending upon “God” to pay our national debt. They voted for President Reagan who doubled our national debt, and for all subsequent conservative administrations which added to it. Liberal, President Clinton, balanced the budget during his two terms; but President G.W. Bush wasted it on a Middle East fiasco, and then lowered income taxes for the wealthiest campaign contributors. “Born-again” voters elected the presidential administrations that increased our nation’s debt. Presently, conservative legislators are blaming the debt on President Obama, who inherited it. They are trying to ruin our Black President without losing the Black’s vote. After the Civil War, southern segregationists settled the Midwest and the West; many voters are zealous segregationists, and I fear for the president’s life. Washington’s political stupidity emphasizes how blind-faith in ancient speculation often supersedes scientific evidence. I’ve shown herein that there is no God. I have cursed “God” daily for 50 years without pejorative response; the misbegotten SOB did not help innocent Jewish children. Some religious idiot, reading this, can prove me wrong by killing me, demonstrating how Abrahamic religions successfully imposed their faiths on trusting societies for 2000 years by murdering nonbelievers, etc. Any fool idea will be successful if naysayers are killed. It explains why today’s non-thinking believers fear erudite discerning naysayers. The volume of naysayer is increasing because religion’s hierarchy favors lowering taxes for the wealthiest contributors to legislator’s political campaigns; also for  killing the Consumer Protection Act, which was to replace the much needed regulations for banks, credit cards, loan sharks, insurance companies, and monopolies  which were removed by President Ronald Reagan. Capitalism must be regulated; otherwise it devastates consumers. Peaceful competition is capitalism’s game and must be encouraged; free of price-fixing, but all monopolies such as utilities, should be permitted to earn only a reasonable profit for its stockholders, when establishing users’ rate fees. Otherwise free enterprise will create a market for the utility’s product; driving up consumer’s rates by buying large portions of the service and reselling it to the highest bidder ad finitum, which is how our electric utilities presently distribute their monopoly’s essential public service. Prior to Reagan’s stupidity the Interstate Commerce Commission allowed public utilities a profit of about 7%; consumer’s rates were adjusted regularly; securing the stockholders’ highly valued position. 


1.     Although I am old and enjoy each day with therapeutic projects that keep my brain entertained, similar to this venture, I fear that our nation is mistaken in supporting the elderly to their bitter end, at the expense of care for expectant mothers, their babies, and children in general, who are being short-changed by a lack of funds; why else is our infant mortality rate so high and why are millions of children without health-insurance?
2.     I’ve experienced enough life to appraise it, and find old-age palatably uncomfortable and painless, worthy of its problems and expense, but must seriously consider what to do when I become bedbound; having avoided senility, to this point; nursing homes are unacceptable. Since euthanasia is not available, suicide is the sensible alternative.  Our Social Security system in the U.S. is presently unsustainable because an increasing percentage of our population is eligible for benefits. Consensual euthanasia is a sensible alternative that would solve our dire situations involving only bedbound patients with dire maladies; including those who are very old, depressed, maybe feeling hopeless, but that doctors consider a survivable quality of life. It’s devastating to be unable to care for oneself, and nursing homes are not for everyone, so I encourage euthanasia for the physical or emotional relief of the desperate or hurting. My body has been willed to a medical school for more than twenty years, but I fear premature institutionalization to rot in some nursing home while painfully waiting for bodily systems to shut down. I prefer to skip the preliminaries and go directly to college as a prize cadaver. Euthanasia avoids prolonged suffering, but is considered possible only in Oregon, although it would be welcome relief for many. The situation could develop into a memorial gathering with family, guests and patient, all in attendance, replacing the somber funeral as a memorial; the patient, if feasible, visits with guests and bids goodbye to everyone prior to an intravenous injected terminus. Everyone would know that the service is available for them when and if their medical situation ever qualifies.
3.     The Perils of Aging: I don’t recall ever dwelling much on the subject of old-age, until, in my mid-seventies a young physician prefaced his verbal instructions with, “Due to your advanced age”----I assumed myself elderly and thence have worn the mantle and born the stigma. It’s not easy being old. While most individuals look forward to an enjoyable retirement, odds do not favor them. Poor health, fatigue and money problems, often reduce options, but Medicare’s support for the elderly is of immeasurable help.
4.     A doctor recently explained my problem; he said: the reason I am outliving my savings is that I have had too good of medical care. I graciously accept the benefits. However when we consider the increasing number of seriously debilitated older citizens with the decreasing birthrate of the world’s developed countries, the obvious disparity is apparent: too few young people who must support too many elders to their bitter end.
5.     This treatise on man’s contrived religion’s devastating influence on humankind is information for the consideration of my grandchildren and their descendants. I have often wished that my grandparents could have done something similar; how wonderful it would be to have a sense of their ideas and to know the truth about our situation, that: fortunately we are alone, free from the curse of an imaginary fearsome “God”; I rejoice! Active curiosities and open minds are cognizant they might be wrong. Closed minds will bring civilization to closure; and civilized segments of our world’s population must organize, in non-challenging, ways. We can preserve humanity and all beneficial species of plants, animals, etc., over time, naturally and simply, by promoting intermarriage of races and religious faiths, developing a common language, an unlimited student exchange and by recognizing that “God” was extrapolated from King Josiah’s tribal propaganda. Just don’t fight about it.
6.     You had the foresight and fortitude to read my treatise; I thank you. If you consider me blasphemous, I won’t agree ; religion is a man-made subterfuge and is not sacred, but was originally devised to exploit others in order to develop political support for leaders. My life approaches its end and many may see an error in my ways, but I accept that I am a part of Earth’s physical system and not outside its natural laws.

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